

Brief History and Description

Anón de poza is rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants.

Sometimes it is consumed fresh. Fully ripe fruit is used to prepare jam and jelly.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

Anón de poza ist reich an den Vitaminen A und C, Ballaststoffen und Antioxidantien.  

Manchmal wird sie frisch verzehrt. Vollreife Früchte werden für die Zubereitung von Marmelade und Gelee verwendet. 

Economic and Environmental aspects

Since Anón de Poza is an evergreen plant, it is helpful for the environment. At the same time, this tree's dense foliage absorbs dew throughout the dry season, keeps the ground below moist, and generates rich leaf litter compost. The tree is considered to be an excellent soil conditioner. It can grow in flooded areas and tolerate salt water, and it provides significant food and cover for wildlife. The bark is also a great home for orchids and other aerobic plants. However, care must be taken to prevent it from becoming a weed. The leaves and seeds are insecticidal. Its fruit can be used as animal fodder. At the same time, its medicinal properties give it a special economic aspect.

Annual Yield

Anón de Poza can produce up to 20 fruits per year. 

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • It has anti-cancer, anti-HIV, and anti-malarial properties,
  • It has strong antiviral properties,
  • A tea is made from the leaves and used to treat flatworms and nematodes,   
  • The seeds have been rushed, boiled, and used externally to get rid of lice,  
  • Its seeds can be used to poison fish,
  • The bark and the leaves, combined with the bark and leaves of Annona squamosa, are used as a sedative,
  • Its unripe fruit is dried and powdered to treat dysentery or boiled to treat fever,
  • Its fruit also is an effective supplement for metabolic efficiency in the body,
  • Fruit juice is used to treat rheumatism and various skin diseases.

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