Disclosure according to § 14 UGB, § 5 ECG and § 25 MedienG
Responsible for the content:
TwoWings Foundation
Company registers number:
FN 195448 z
Commercial register court:
Linz regional court
Legal Counsel & Compliance Officer:
Mag. Stefanie Gierlinger, BSc
Board of Directors:
Dipl.-Kff. Dr. Sarvenas Enayati- EttehadiehBahia EttehadiehJasmin Ettehadieh, MScFoundation’s Purpose:
At the heart of our foundation is a commitment to sustainable change. We support educational initiatives that empower individuals and communities to take control of their own development. We work with like-minded partner organisations that initiate environmental and educational projects to unleash human potential and contribute to social and economic progress. TwoWings supports this by, among other things, providing funding for these joint endeavours. At the centre of our approach are respect for human dignity and gender equality, the integration of modern knowledge and traditional wisdom, and the use of the different strengths of the northern and southern hemispheres for joint progress.
Planting Hope Program:
TwoWings Foundation takes pride in advancing global tree-planting efforts with financial backing and heightened awareness through the Planting Hope initiative. Planting Hope supports impactful projects like FUNDAEC's Transforming the Environment Program in Colombia and the Inshindo Foundation's Environmental Health Program in Zambia. In creating a broad, collaborative impact, we also contribute to other global eco initiatives focused on enriching environmental sustainability, reforestation, skill development, food security, and community well-being.
TwoWings Private Foundation Copyrights:
All rights reserved. All contents (texts, pictures, graphics, sound, video, and animation files as well as their arrangement among others) on the website of the TwoWings Private Foundation are subject to the protection of copyright and other protective laws. The legal protection also applies to databases and similar institutions. The contents are only freely usable for the intended retrieval on the Internet. The contents of the TwoWings Private Foundation website may not be reproduced, distributed, changed, or made accessible to third parties in any form outside the limits of copyright law without the written consent of the TwoWings Private Foundation. Some areas of the TwoWings Private Foundation website also contain images that are subject to the copyright of third parties. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks on the TwoWings Private Foundation website are protected by trademark law. The image rights are held by the respective partner hotels or by Adobe Stock/Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited.
Warranty / Guarantee
All information on the TwoWings Private Foundation website has been carefully checked. However, a guarantee for completeness, correctness, and last topicality cannot be assumed. The TwoWings Private Foundation provides this information without any assurance or warranty of any kind, be it explicit or implicit. The TwoWings Private Foundation excludes any liability for damages that result directly or indirectly from the use of the TwoWings Private Foundation website, as far as these are not based on intent or gross negligence of the TwoWings Private Foundation.
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