

Brief History and Description

Cacao is a tropical evergreen tree grown for its edible seeds. Its scientific name means "food of the gods" in Greek, and botanists believe that cacao originates from the headwaters of the Amazon River. Cacao grows to a height of 6 to 12 meters and has rectangular, leathery leaves. The fruit's outer skin is uneven, has a ridge, and is elongated. It reaches a length of 15 to 30 cm and contains 25 to 75 internal seeds, which are called cocoa beans.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

With its products, the cocoa bean is very rich in phenolic acids. Therefore, it is one of the richest sources of flavonols in the human diet.1

Cacao beans can be eaten raw. But at this stage, they are relatively tasteless. So instead, they are often transformed into other products, such as cocoa nibs, cocoa powder, and chocolate. Cacao beans are also used to make cocoa solids and cocoa butter. They were first consumed in Central and South America as a liquid treat mixed with spices like chili and vanilla. If you find whole cacao pods, you can open them, just like you open a pumpkin. Scoop out the fruit and internal beans with a spoon. The skin of the pods is also edible and can be thinly sliced and fried as chips. 

Economic and Environmental aspects

As an evergreen crop, cacao is environmentally friendly.

Cacao is a key crop in Colombia's social programs, aiming to alleviate rural poverty, promote peace in post-conflict regions, and replace crops used for illicit purposes. Colombia is thought to be a center of excellence for cocoa.

Colombian cacao has been classified as a fine-flavour cocoa, representing 5% of the world's cocoa production.2

Annual Yield

Under normal cultivation practices, each cocoa tree yields about 1-2 kg annually. 

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • Cocoa flavonols have been reported as significant antioxidants,3

  • Good for heart health,  

  • Eating cocoa helps the body produce small doses of dopamine, serotonin, and tryptophan, and it is a mood-enhancing food and a natural antidepressant,4

  • Cocoa helps deal with intestinal infections and diarrhea and reduces secretions,  

  • Cocoa helps with thyroid regulation and is a mild stimulant,  

  • The skin of cacao beans is used for liver, bladder, kidney, and diabetes diseases,  

  • Due to its high tannin content, cocoa is used as a general tonic and astringent in diarrhea.

  • A decoction of cacao beans and leaves is used to treat asthma, weakness, diarrhea, fractures, anorexia, malaria, parasites, pneumonia, cough, colic, and poisoning,  

  • Cocoa butter is used to treat wounds, skin diseases, burns, chapped lips, and fatigue,5

  • The studies show that cacao leaf extract has the highest antiproliferative activity against breast cancer,6

  • The stimulating effect of cacao is due to its dilating effect, which increases blood flow, resulting in increased energy levels.7

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