

Brief History and Description

An evergreen shrub with a normal height of 6 to 10 meters, achiote, also known as annatto or lipstick tree, is native to the tropics of Central and South America. The fruits, which are reddish and have a surface coated in short, stiff hairs, are shaped like hearts and have lovely pink blooms. The orange-red pigment extracted from the fruit's seeds is used as commercial or food coloring.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

The seeds of achiote are rich in carotenoids and bixin, a powerful antioxidant. It is also rich in calcium, fiber, and vitamin C.

This species' leaves, fruits, and seeds are said to be edible. Achiote seeds contain a pigment that can be used to color butter, margarine, and cheese, including Cheddar, Edam, and Munster. It can be mixed into Mexican rice, used as a culinary coloring, or used to flavor sweets, chocolates, and other pastries. Its seeds are used to add taste and color to marinades and sauces. The seeds are also used to season seafood, slow-cooked meats, soups, and stews. The leaves are also used as seasoning.

Economic and Environmental aspects

In addition to being evergreen and good at absorbing carbon, the Achiote tree drops many leaves, adding organic matter to the soil. Simultaneously, even a row of trees produces an excellent windbreak. Birds eat the fruit, and farmers use it to shade crops.   

The most utilised component of this plant, Achiote seeds, are now one of the world's most frequently used natural food colorings. Around 14,500 tons (dry weight) of acuminate seeds are produced annually worldwide. One-third of the material is allocated for dye production, while the remaining two-thirds are utilised to produce dried seeds. Today, achiote extract is a natural hue mostly used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries because it doesn't alter the flavor and is essentially non-toxic. This plant is of enormous economic and commercial significance throughout the world.

Annual Yield

A 3-year-old plant, on average, may yield about 0.5 to 1 kg of seeds per year. 

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • The seeds have antimicrobial properties due to their high level of antioxidants and are used to help heal wounds, care for the skin, and relieve stomach problems,
  • Calcium in seeds is useful for strengthening bones and teeth, 
  • Their fiber is effective for regulating the digestive system, 
  • Their vitamin C is used to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation,
  • The stem, macerated in water or stem sap, is used to treat conjunctivitis,
  • The root is applied to aid in digestion, 
  • The pigment that is extracted from the seeds is used to eliminate pimples and spots and cure skin infections caused by fungi, 
  • The fruit is exploited to treat epilepsy and conditions of the prostate,  
  • From the leaves and tender flowers, a liquid is extracted for the treatment of cataracts,  
  • The flower is employed to treat heart problems, 
  • The leaves are used to treat colds, coughs, and skin inflammation and to relieve muscle, bone, kidney, and bladder pain,  
  • The hot leaves are applied to treat wounds and also as an ointment to relieve rheumatism, 
  • The species B. orellana is rich in chemical compounds with various beneficial properties for human health. Evidence from several studies indicates that the extracts obtained from different parts of the plant present a diversity of compounds with antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and insect repellent, antileishmanial, antioxidant, anticancer and cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anticlastogenic, and antidiarrheal properties, among others,
  • Extracts of the leaves of achiote possess antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive microorganisms, with maximum activity against "Bacillus pumilus". Achiote leaves have been employed to treat malaria and leishmaniasis.

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