

Brief History and Description

Caimo morado is an evergreen tree that can grow up to a height of 15 m and a trunk diameter of 60 cm.1 It is planted as an ornamental or garden tree that bears fruit.2 It is native to Central America, but eminent botanists have declared that it is not native to that area.3

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

The fruits are delicious, eaten as a dessert because of their sweetness, and best-served cold. The star shape is cut in half in a cross-section.4

As a low-fat and low-calorie fruit, Caimo morado is one of the best food choices to include in a weight-loss diet. In addition, the high amount of dietary fiber in the fruit improves satiety and makes you feel full for a long time and it also contains vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, and phosphorus.5

Economic and Environmental aspects

The Caimo morado is an evergreen tree.6 Evergreen trees protect from summer sun and winter winds. They can act as an air pollution barrier and offer some soundproofing. They also improve the quality of the air.7 The Caimo morado fruit can be used as an ingredient in ice creme or sherbet. The bark, latex, fruit, and seeds of this tree have medicinal properties, and the wood of this tree can be used for construction purposes. This tree can have good financial and environmental benefits for the people and the environment of the area in which it is planted.8

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • Anti-diabetic,  

  • Anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer, 

  • Anti-hypertensive,9

  • Relieving laryngitis, 

  • Helping with pneumonia, 

  • The leaves are used to treat wounds and reduce blood consumption, 

  • The bark is used to treat diarrhea and dysentery, 

  • Preventing iron deficiency anemia.10

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