

Brief History and Description

Membrillo is a small evergreen tree native to Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador that reaches a height of about 20 meters. Its spherical orange fruit is popular among locals but is often cultivated for its large, fragrant flowers.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

The pulp of the fruit is rich in vitamin A. Membrillo also contains B vitamins and fatty acids. The aril around the seeds is nutritious and high in fat, phosphorus, and vitamin A.  

Membrillo is eaten raw (chopped raw in salads, etc.) and added to different foods (soup, rice, meat, etc.) for its special color and taste. Roasted or boiled pulp is eaten mixed with rice. 

Economic and Environmental aspects

As an evergreen and drought-tolerant species, the Membrillo tree is ideal for eco-friendly landscapes. Also, freshly shed, unburied, and germinated seeds provide an abundant short-term food source for terrestrial mammals.  

This tree's culinary usage, therapeutic benefits, and popularity have given it economic value among the locals. 

Given that Gustave Superba's worth is largely attributed to its stunning blossoms and the fruit's value is primarily recognized by locals, the exact output of its fruit yield has yet to be extensively researched. 

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • The Membrillo has significant antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal activities,
  • The presence of carotenoids and other plant chemicals in it improves health, 
  • It is said that the strong and distinctive smell of the stinkwood of this tree helps reduce stress and increase relaxation, so it is used in essential oils and other aromatherapy products,   
  • The leaves and bark of the tree have anti-inflammatory properties and are used to treat some diseases such as arthritis, skin problems, and digestive problems,
  • The leaves in the decoction are used to cure poisoned arrow,
  • The leaves and bark of the tree are used in natural medicines to reduce pain,  
  • Strengthens the immune system and reduces inflammation.

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