

Brief History and Description

The Anón del Chocó plant is native to the western region of the Amazon in South America. They are spiny, green-barked, and reach a height of about 5 meters, with soft fruits of about 7 cm. The fragrant flesh of the fruit is bright white or clear, almost creamy, and has a gelatinous texture. It tastes sweet with flavors of pineapple, banana, and coconut.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

Anón del Chocó fruit is a source of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin C and iron. It is also high in protein and carbohydrates and contains important amino acids such as lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan. It also contains fibre and energy.

This fruit is used in caramel pudding or lemon custard. It can be juiced and sometimes mixed with milk for a drink. It can also be used to prepare milkshakes, jam, jelly, and pickles. It is also used as a filling in cakes or pies.

Economic and Environmental aspects

Anón del Chocó, being an evergreen plant, consistently offers ongoing environmental benefits.

It has high nutritional, functional, and economic potential. These Amazonian fruits can be used as sources to obtain compounds for food, cosmetics, and medicinal applications.

Annual Yield

A well-managed tree will produce up to 150 fruits per year. 

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • Anón del Chocó fruit is used as a stimulant and also to help cool the body when it is overheated,
  • The seeds are ground and used as a remedy for digestive problems and also for enterocolitis,
  • The fruit is regarded as analeptic and antiscorbutic,
  • Anón del Chocó fruit helps to lose weight because the fibre in the fruit makes you feel full,
  • It fights fatigue due to its potassium content,
  • It stimulates collagen production and inhibits free radicals, thus preventing premature aging and wrinkles,
  • Anti-cancer properties are attributed to it,
  • It reduces the possibility of osteoporosis and strengthens the bones, 
  • The leaf extract acts as an anti-inflammatory.

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