

Brief History and Description

Grosella, up to 15 cm in diameter and 12 meters in length, is a small tropical tree that produces abundant, edible, sour-flavored, oily fruits on the branches and can flower 2-3 times a year. This tree grows in tropical regions and is sometimes planted as an ornamental plant. The tree grows better in tropical lowlands with a lot of rainfall. Grosella is native to the northeastern coastal region of Brazil and is often mistakenly attributed to Madagascar, India, or Polynesia. The tree is cultivated not only for its ornamental value but also for food and medicinal purposes.

Culinary Usage and Nutritional Properties

  • Major chemical components of Phyllanthus plants are terpenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and phenolic compounds, especially tannins.
  • Grosella's mature fruits are excellent for processing into pickles and in the form of sweetened dried fruits. The fruit's flesh is used as a food flavoring or a condiment in cooking.  
  • Cold drinks from fruit juice (sometimes with sugar) are popular in some countries.  
  • Relish, syrup, or sweet preserve forms of ripe and unripe fruits are served in Malaysia.  
  • Jam or chutney are made from the combination of the Grosella and other fruits. 
  • In Indonesia, Thailand, and India, people cook young leaves and eat them as vegetables. 

Economic and Environmental aspects

In addition to the environmental benefits, beautification, and fruit consumption, the tree's wood is popularly used for fuel.

Annual Yield

A mature shrub produces about 6.8 kg twice per year.  

Pharmacological Activities and Bio-active Properties

  • The vitamin C and powerful antioxidants of the plants help the skin regenerate, promote healing from harmful UV damage, and strengthen the immune system, 

  • Root extract is used to treat skin diseases, especially to relieve itching,   

  • The leaves are used as an ingredient in Thai medicine to control fever and for boiling hives, 

  • An infusion of the leaves is used as a diet aid for dieters who want to stay slim,   

  • Its latex has emetic and purifying activity,   

  • The skin is warmed with coconut oil and spread in the eruptions of the feet and hands, 

  • A decoction of the skin is used to treat bronchial cataracts,1

  • The leaf decoction is employed for treating hives in traditional medicine.2

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